O Primavera Choral Varie due le theme du “Veni Creator” O Primavera (no recording) All Creatures Now Fyer, Fyer! Abendlied zu Gott Ave Verum Corpus He, Watching Over Israel The Shower O My Love’s Like a Red, Red Rose Rest Snake Baked a Hoecake The Prune Song Grasshopper Song Hobby Horse The Frisco Whale
Sure on this Shining Night Haec est Dies Vere Languores Cantate Domino Alleluia Fair Phyllis I Saw April is in my Mistress’ Face Sing We and Chant It The Silver Swan Passacaglia BuxWV 161 Mata del Anima Sola Zion’s Walls Sure on this Shining Night My God is an Awesome God Mata del Anima Sola (Encore) Spring 2004