The playbill we publish for each concert is funded by local merchants, supporters, and singers. To defray hall and music rentals, musicians’ fees, promotional expenses and commissioned works, we need to supplement our traditional member-based and ticket-based revenue. Just Coffee Cooperative’s Community Funding Program enables us to offer their 100% fair trade, certified organic products and do just that! Here are three examples.

A rich blend of Ghanaian cocoa beans produced in Wisconsin by the Omanhene Cocoa Bean Company of Milwaukee. World class fine natural cocoa powder! 100% fair trade, Certified Organic. Each can provides about 14 servings. Ingredients: Sugar, Natural Cocoa Powder.

Complex, smoky, dark chocolate. Whole Beans. Dark roasted. Certified Organic and 100% Fair Trade Certified. 12 oz bag.

Organic Tea. Assam aged with real bergamot. High Caffeine. Certified Organic and 100% Fair Trade Certified. Box with 18 tea bags.
Please click on the link below to download the order form to your computer.
CASC-Just Coffee Manual Order Form 10-4-20
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